Pornphapat Innwon

I likes to build stuffs from coding


My name is Pornphapat Innwon. I'm a developer from Thailand with website application experience.

My Projects

Negotiation Intelligent Agent with Evolutionary Approach


A dissertation project for Msc Artificial Intelligence. A research project about the implementation of automated agent using an evolutionary algorithm to find the best outcome from a negotiation with other agents and analyze the result.

Understanding a textbook with data analysis


A project for class assignment. To understand data from a text extraction of a book.

Non-heuristic and heuristic algorithms


Create both algorithms from the principle and analyze the difference between each model.

Fake news classification using machine learning


Analyze the Twitter posts extract from MediaEval 2015 datasets and build a model with machine learning to categorize which posts are fake according to their datasets.



A recently-made small personal top-down game project made with Unity. You play as a square which will devour anything in your path.

Purrfect Recipe


A 2D card game prototype powered by Unity. The gameplay is about buying both recipe and skill cards to cook faster and earn a lot of points while completing with the enemy side.



A small sokoban pixel game by Unity for LOWREZJAM 2022. You play as a ghost and the goal is to try getting in your grave while avoiding ray of light.